American Performance Awards, Dance Studio News

MDTC American Academy of Ballet Awards

Midland Dance Theatre Centre had their American Academy of Ballet Awards on the 19th November 2022 at the Hilton College Theatre.

This year MDTC had 40 dancers entre for the AAB Awards from level 1-11. We were very excited to have the Executive Director, Laurence Kaplan, from New York as our judge, but also very nervous to impress him. Laurence passionately expressed his worldwide thoughts about ballet and imparted lots of wisdom to both parents and dancers.

We were thrilled with our dancer’s results!

  • 6 Gold with Distinction
  • 10 Gold
  • 24 Silver with Double Distinction

14 dancers were also awarded Scholarships to attend Summer School in New York, USA in 2023. We are trying our hardest to get there…somehow!

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