Dance Studio News, The Importance of Dance

Midland Dance Theatre Centre DEVELOPMENTAL TEAM

MDTC is very excited to announce that we will be introducing a Developmental Team from 2023, alongside our Competition Team and Events Team.

The children in the 2023 Team have been carefully selected and fulfilled the criteria set out as follows:

  1. They attend 1 class per week that is paid for by the parent. Further classes will be donated by MDTC for 2023 and the children will be reassessed at the end of the year, for the continuation in the following year.
  2. Their work ethic and attendance is good.
  3. Their physical capabilities are suited to Classical Ballet and Dance in general.

They will receive this extra training free of charge unless circumstances change. We have 15 dancers for our 2023 Development Team and the aim is to extend their training beyond the once-a-week class and prepare them for exams and future dance opportunities that MDTC can offer them.

If anyone would like to contribute specifically to this Development Team, please contact us on 081 232 8373.

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